Players want Fortnite to ditch “boring” hyper-realism and return to its roots

Fortnite Creator Made mapsEpic Games

Fortnite has deviated from its once “cartoony” map style and players think it’s time for the game to go back to its roots.

Fortnite has evolved over the years to showcase various styles for each chapter and season. The most recent season, titled Myths and Mortals, takes on a mythology theme. 

However, not all styles fit Fortnite’s original and beloved cartoon-like appearance. What was once filled with little suburbs and restaurants has since been turned into full towns with gigantic colosseums. And this isn’t the stylistic choice that many fans wanted to see.

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Now, players on Reddit are commenting that they would like to see a return of styles mainly used back in the OG days of Fortnite.

“I’m SO SICK of the Mediterranean architecture. EPIC, PLEASE, GIVE US THE CLASSIC CARTOONY SUBURBS BACK!!! We get it, you’re going through a hyper-realistic boring phase, but please. Give us back what made Fortnite FORTNITE,” said the original poster in the Reddit thread

Another user suggested, “OG should come back as an alternate permanent game mode.”

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But not everyone agreed with this sentiment, with some pointing out that change is inevitable and Fortnite would not be the same without differing variations. 

“I prefer the map having wildly different areas. Not suburbs over and over again,” argued one commenter.

With Fortnite being created on a new engine and another revamp set for 2025, it’s unlikely that the original style will return anytime soon. However, this doesn’t mean it’s impossible, considering Epic Games brought back “OG” Fortnite before the end of 2023.

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