Ninja, NICKMERCS and CouRage forced to mute random Fortnite teammate for bad language

Ninja - Twitch / NICKMERCS - Twitch / Aaron Gilson - Flickr

A Fortnite player got to play with superstar streamers Tyler ‘Ninja‘ Blevins, Nick ‘NICKMERCS‘ Kolcheff, and Jack ‘CouRage‘ Dunlop, and he let the excitement of the moment get to his head.

Playing random fill matches on Fortnite has been a trend among popular Twitch streamers for a while now, giving them access to easy content.

It also gives them the chance to brighten random players’ days, as most who queue into these fill lobbies love nothing more than the prospect of getting matched up with a star streamer.

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For one youngster, Christmas came early this year, as he got matched up with none other than Ninja, NICKMERCS, and CouRage, who decided to play some fill matches while waiting for the fourth member of their squad.

As expected, the player was beyond excited when the reality of the situation began to dawn on him, knowing how rare of an opportunity he had just been granted.

However, things took an awkward turn shortly after pleasantries were exchanged, and especially when he got eliminated far away from the rest of his teammates.

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Suddenly not having to focus on gameplay, he began talking a lot more, and eventually began using bad language, including the N-word.

The trio of superstar streamers were gracious enough to give him a couple of reprieves early one, hilariously grunting and coughing over the what their young teammate was saying.

However, as the kid kept repeating the word, the three decided it would be best to just hit the mute button, with NICKMERCS even going as far as to scold “the little rat.”

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“Yo, you good?” he said. “Who told you to talk like that, you little rat. How about you learn how to talk?”

While streamers may love to queue into fill matches on Fortnite and get matched up with random teammates, the end result doesn’t always pan out exactly as they envision.

Just as with the kid above, once in a while, people will lose their heads knowing that thousands of viewers are watching them play live.

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Ultimately, there is no real way to prevent this kind of behavior, so streamers who take on the risk just have to make sure they have at least one finger on the mute button, ready to go.