Ninja explains why the current Fortnite meta is making it hard for casual players

The Fortnite meta is arguably the most complex it has ever been and popular Twitch streamer Tyler ‘Ninja’ Blevins explained why that makes it difficult for newer players to jump into the game.

Since its launch back in 2017, Fortnite has gone through an ever-changing meta but it has started to grow stagnant as players get better and better at the game.

Many players, including Ninja, are arguing that if there were ever going to be a ranked system implemented, now might be the perfect time for it.

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During a recent stream after a lengthy fight against an opponent in the storm, Ninja went on a short rant explaining why Epic Games almost needs to add a matchmaking system for players.

“Bro, dude, I’m sorry man, at this point, it’s almost like Epic needs matchmaking, dude,” Ninja said. “I don’t see a Smitty Barstool winning a game in this meta, maybe on PC, this is just so nuts.”

“It’s just every fight I’m getting double-teamed, triple-teamed, third-partied, launched on, built on, pyramided.” he said, before condemning the turbo build buff.

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“That buff to the turbo update man, so that you 100 percent can’t get shot basically if you’re building, good luck trying to kill anyone man,” He added, before going over a laundry list of items players need to take on a building enemy. “You need stink grenades, dynamite, clingers, explosives.”

With the Fortnite meta being the way it is, it’s pretty had to disagree with him.