Nine new Fortnite consumables leaked in update v12.20 game files

Epic Games

Nine consumables could be introduced to Epic’s popular battle royale in the near future as Fortnite’s v12.20 update has been datamined to reveal a slew of new information.

From apples to mushrooms, the Fortnite community has grown accustomed to bite-size benefits being scattered across the battle royale map.

While these items may appear as an afterthought with more powerful weapons and equipment being added with each update, nine new consumables have popped up in the latest update, indicating that they could play a bigger role moving forward.

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Epic Games
Many consumables have come and gone over the years in Fortnite.

Challenges, cosmetics, and weapons have all leaked ahead of time, and it seems like new map additions have also slipped through the cracks in the v12.20 update.

After combing through the game’s files following the latest patch, prominent Fortnite dataminer ‘iFireMonkey’ unveiled a wide array of ‘Consumable Tags’ that have been implemented behind the scenes.

From bananas to brand new types of mushrooms, nine consumables have been uncovered and while some appear to be rehashes of former items, many of them are brand new with unknown effects.

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Veteran Fortnite players will be familiar with apples, coconuts, and mushrooms for their five healing per use. Though bananas, cabbages, corn, peppers, are all brand new consumable items that could be implemented in the near future.

Additionally, both shield mushrooms and slurp mushrooms are listed. While they may sound similar to the previous ‘slurprshroom’ item that healed for 10HP per use, these appear to be brand new labels in the game’s files.

Apple Sun is also listed as a consumable, though this particular item could come with a rather unique effect. Once consumed, the item may not come into play until you have jumped. Perhaps a form of hovering or even flying, this consumable certainly stands out from the pack.

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Epic Games
From restoring HP to adding shields, new consumables could serve many functions.

While there’s no telling exactly how each of these items will function if they do end up making their way onto the battle royale map, there could be many new beneficial foods to eat in-game moving forward.

In the meantime, get ahead of the competition with an overview of powerful upcoming weapons that have also been leaked ahead of time.

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