Lachlan shows off “revolutionary” Fortnite stream features

Fortnite gameplay with LachlanEpic Games

Australian Fortnite star Lachlan Power has unveiled a “revolutionary” facecam feature that reflects his status in-game, adding a “never before seen” layer of immersion to his content.

Closing in on 15 million YouTube subscribers, Lachlan has just about seen and done it all when it comes to Fortnite. The popular content creator has his own Icon Series skin in-game, not to mention his own esports organization as well.

Not resting on his laurels, however, Lachlan has now unveiled the next step in facecam innovation. Anytime the veteran player is in a game of Fortnite moving forward, his stream overlay will be reacting in the moment to everything that’s happening.

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We’ve seen production values skyrocket over the years in the streaming space. Though this new functionality could just be the “future” when it comes to Fortnite content, according to Lachlan.

The main goal of this new technology was to “directly reflect [Lachlan’s] in-game health.” Whether he’s at full HP or critically injured, his stream overlay will now display that information. 

Rather than a static background, the new feature is fully animated and always reacting in real-time. Lachlan will have a bright green background when fully healed. Meanwhile, a flashing blue overlay will appear when he’s at max HP and shields.

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Conversely, the feature also has some unique looks for the opposite side of the coin. When in danger, fans will truly know the state of Lachlan’s run. If he’s moments away from death, his background will turn black with a red flash.

Instead of keeping an eye on Fortnite’s health bars, players can simply watch Lachlan and automatically know how he’s tracking. It’s a new sense of “immersion never before seen in Fortnite,” he explained.

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This was custom-built from the ground up just for Lachlan. Though it’s likely to inspire tons of content creators to follow suit. Fortnite streamers could all hop on the trend to give their communities the best viewing experience possible.

Lachlan still has a ways to go to catch up to the likes of Dr Disrespect when it comes to production value. Though it’s clear this unique functionality puts him well ahead of the pack in the Fortnite scene.

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