The latest update to Fortnite Battle Royale introduced an all-new freeze trap item called the ‘Chiller’ and players are already discovering innovative ways of using it their advantage.
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The Chiller trap, which can be placed on any floor, wall or ceiling, turns the feet of players into cubes of ice, reducing friction significantly and making them slide around quickly.
This can work well to force opponents to lose their footing and fall off of structures, but is arguably more useful in terms of making a fast getaway – particularly when you’re near corrupted areas of the map.
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When you’re near those corrupted areas of the map, using a Chiller along with one of the runes on the ground makes it possible to travel a long distance in a matter of seconds, as VeSportsHades on Reddit discovered:
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After the floating island has traveled over one of the runes it creates a number of craters that throw players into the air, and sliding over one with ‘Chiller feet’ gives players an incredible movement boost.
We’re not entirely sure whether this was an intended trait when Epic Games developed the new item, but we’re hoping that it will stay in the game! You can get a similar result using slopes but beware that fall damage is still a thing and your speed won’t come close to what can be achieved with the runes.
Also included in the October 3 V6.01 patch were a number of changes to Playground mode, including the option to change things like health, gravity and more.
Keep an eye out for more information and footage of the Chiller in action as it becomes available.