Fortnite World Cup stream loses 100K viewers, expert explains why

Epic Games

The start to the Fortnite World Cup festivities has left a lot to be desired for those watching on Twitch, and an expert thinks the reason comes down to a technical reason on Epic’s end.

The Fortnite World Cup kicked off with its Creative World Cup and Celebrity Pro-Am on July 26 but the results were not what Epic Games were expected as it was met with a lot of technical issues.

Many complaints centered around the laggy stream, which was far from what Epic were hoping for on the debut day of the World Cup.

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Epic GamesThe World Cup has had a bumpy start.

According to an expert, the issue lies in the technology that Epic are using for the event, which adds an extra load onto the broadcast that resulted in issues with the stream and caused it to drop 100,000 concurrent viewers.

“[To do this right] you need to have the right technology, the right product, the right engineers and scientists to be able to build it and create it,” Jed Corenthal, Chief Marketing Officer of Phenix told Fortnite Intel.

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While he believes Epic Games tested all of this before the stream began, a lot of factors can come into play.

“Epic has tested and problem solved and troubleshooted so they’re ready for whatever issues come up,” Corenthal said. “Problem is you just never really know what happens when you have real users and real load. It will be interesting to see how the technology they built reacts to it.”

Fortnite allows players to view broadcasts in-game and on Twitch.

While the broadcast experienced some issues during the Creative World Cup, those looked to be cleared up for the most part so Epic will be hoping to keep the smoothness rolling.

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Friday is generally considered the warm-up day before the major events begin this Saturday and Sunday with Duos and Solos.

Epic Games calls the Fortnite World Cup the “greatest tournament of all time” on their website so this start was a bumpy start but there’s still plenty of time to redeem themselves.