Fortnite: This new Grappler bug is costing players Victory Royales

Fortnite fans have found a new bug with the game’s popular Grappler item which is costing players Victory Royales and leaving them stranded in the storm.

The Grappler was officially added to Fortnite in the V5.40 update back in September 2018 and acts like a grappling gun, allowing players to quickly zipline their way around the map or up to an enemy who has the height advantage in a build battle.

This has made the Grappler one of the most popular items in the game, but fans have now found a bug that may make them think twice before picking it up.

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The bug is affecting Fortnite’s Grappler item.

For streamer Nicholas ‘Nick Eh 30’ Amyoony, the discovery couldn’t have come at a worse time, as he attempted to use his Grappler to escape the storm which had overtaken him.

In the clip, Amyoony fired off the item on a number of occasions, with the Grappler failing to latch on to the ground in front of him as the edge of the storm continued to move further into the distance. “What the hell is going on,” cried Nick Eh 30, as he watched the glitch in action, “I hate this game so much, but I want to keep playing it.”

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The streamer eventually dropped the item once he realized that it wasn’t going to work, but found himself too far away from safety, dying just as he was about to jump out of the storm.

While Nick’s clip has brought attention to the issue, many members of the Fortnite Battle Royale subreddit stated that the bug has been in the game for some time now, with one user saying that they first encountered the issue over three weeks ago.

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Epic Games have yet to address the problem with the Grappler, but Fortnite fans will be hopeful that the developers will release a fix for the item in the next weekly update.