Fortnite Season 6, Week 6 challenges and how to complete them

Believe it or not, we’ve already passed the halfway point of Season 6 in Fortnite Battle Royale, a point that is highlighted by the release of the Week 6 challenges on November 1.

As has been the case throughout the season so far, Week 6 provides players with three free challenges and four that are exclusive to owners of the Season 6 Battle Pass.

The official Week 6 challenges have now gone live. They differ slightly to the ones that were leaked earlier in the week, but mostly in wording.

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The official challenges are as follows:

The challenges are fairly vanilla overall, asking players to complete simple tasks like dealing damage and placing Chiller traps.

In fact, the only exciting challenge from the leak seems to be the one that asks you to ‘find a stand with Sheet Music in Pleasant Park’. As this is a multi-stage challenge, we won’t know more about it until we’ve had a chance to play it through.

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The official challenges are as follows:

Free Challenges

  • Place Chillers in different matches (3)
  • Search a Chest in different Named Locations (7)
  • Shotgun eliminations Eliminations (3) – HARD

Battle Pass Challenges

  • Stage 1: Land at Shifty Shafts (1)Stage 2: Land at Risky ReelsStage 3: Land at Retail RowStage 4: Land at Haunted HillsStage 5: Land at Leaky Lake
  • Deal damage with a Pickaxe to opponents (250)
  • Stage 1: Find the Sheet Music in Pleasant Park (1) – HARDStage 2 – Play the Sheet Music at the piano near Pleasant Park Stage 3 – Find the Sheet Music in Retail Row Stage 4 – Play the sheet music at the piano near Retail Row 
  • Stage 1: Elimination with a common weapon (1) – HARDStage 2: Elimination with an uncommon weaponStage 3: Elimination with a rare weaponStage 4: Elimination with an epic weaponStage 5: Elimination with a legendary weapon

Hunting Party Challenge Week 6

The ongoing Hunting Party challenge returns for Week 6 of Season 6. This week, you’ll need to find a secret Banner after completing all seven of the standard challenges. For more information, check out our in-depth guide.

Place Chillers in different matches

You won’t need much help from us for this one! Simply find some Chiller traps and use them. As there is a limit on how many you can place per game, you’ll need to play at least three matches.

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Search a Chest in different Named Locations

Easily one of the most boring challenges we’ve seen this season, all you’ll need to do is search a chest at any point of interest that is named on the map (Pleasant Park, Tilted Towers etc.)

Shotgun Eliminations

Elimination challenges are a fairly common theme throughout Fortnite seasons. Picking up a kill with a shotgun isn’t exactly difficult, so we’d advise you to not concentrate on this one, just play through your games and it should be completed fairly quickly.

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Stage 1: Land at Shifty Shafts

The first of this week’s ‘Stage’ challenges and the fist of the battle pass tasks will ask you to land at various different locations as time goes on.

After landing at Shifty, you’ll need to land at Risky Reels, Retail Row, Haunted Hills, and finally Leaky Lake.

Deal damage with a Pickaxe to opponents

Another fairly boring challenge, dealing damage with pickaxes can take quite some time. Your best bet for completing this one quickly will be to finish off opponents that have been knocked down with your pickaxe.

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If damage only counts when an opponent is up, you might be grinding away at this one for a while.

Stage 1: Find the Sheet Music in Pleasant Park

This is a pretty interesting challenge and involves a total of four stages!

Check out our in-depth guide for a step-by-step tutorial.

Stage 1: Elimination with a Common weapon

As we predicted from the leaks, this task turned out to be another multi-stage challenge. After picking up an elimination with a common weapon, simply work your way up through the rarities (uncommon, rare, epic, legendary).

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You don’t have to complete this challenge in one game, so completing it over the course of the week shouldn’t be too taxing.

If you’re still struggling with any of this week’s locations, you can check out the cheat sheet from squatingdog for more information.