Fortnite Season 5 Week 15 challenges: How to complete all quests

Epic Games

Fortnite Season 5’s Week 15 challenges are here, offering players a final chance to earn some double XP. Here’s how to complete all of them.

Season 6 of Fortnite is set to kick off on Tuesday, March 16, 2021, with a huge Zero Crisis Finale event, so most players are doing their best to complete the Season 5 Battle Pass and unlock all of the enlightened skins before time is up.

Fortunately, there’s one last set of weekly challenges to get through, with double XP being offered as a reward for the main quests. This means you’ll get 40,000 XP for ticking off each one, which should be a big help.

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Below, you’ll find all the information you need on completing the Week 15 challenges, which arrive in the game on Thursday, March 11 at 9 AM ET. There are seven Epic quests and one Legendary quest with a huge XP reward.

Fortnite Zero Point DestabilizingEpic Games
You’ll need to sand tunnel to complete Fortnite’s Week 15 challenges.

Fortnite Season 5 Week 15 Epic Quests

The first two quests this week require you to sand tunnel. You can do this by remaining still on the sand that covers the center of the map. Traveling a distance in the sand is easy, but you’ll need to be sneaky to spend five seconds near enemies.

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The rest of the quests revolve around NPCs and Gold Bars, which makes sense as Epic Games have confirmed that players will lose all of their amassed Gold Bars when Season 5 ends on March 15, 2021.

Spending 500 Bars should be easy, as most NPCs around The Island will offer some way to spend them. You’ll need to find specific NPCs that sell items/weapons, offer weapon upgrades, or sell intel to complete the next three quests.

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Finally, you’ll need to hire a character/NPC to be your bodyguard. There are quite a few that you can hire, such as Mancake at the Butter Barn and Doggo at Retail Row.

Fortnite gold barsEpic Games
Bounties and Gold Bars play a big role in Fortnite’s Week 15 quests.

Fortnite Season 5 Week 15 Legendary Quest

  • Duel characters (5/10/15/20/25)

You’ll need to duel multiple characters for this week’s Legendary quest. To do this, speak to an NPC that offers duels – the option to do so is represented by the symbol of a gun and dagger – and prepare to engage in combat with them.

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Not all NPCs will allow you to duel with them. Some options are Kondor at Misty Meadows, Blaze near Holly Hedges, Big Chuggus at Slurpy Swamp, Kit at Catty Corner, Brutus at Dirty Docks, and Menace at Colossal Coliseum.

From the challenge description, it doesn’t sound as though you actually need to win the duel, just engage in one. This means if you’re eliminated or simply run away, you should still get one step closer to earning XP.

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Remember, you’ll only have a few days to complete these Week 15 challenges, as Fortnite Season 6 kicks off on Tuesday, March 16, 2021.