Fortnite: Players have discovered a secret rift on the updated Season 7 map

Players knew that Fortnite’s Season 7 would bring more challenges and secrets to discover and it looks like one of those mysterious has just cropped up.

A new secret rift has been uncovered in one of the game’s more remote locations, giving players an enticing reason to spread out and explore the mysteriously, newly snow-covered portion of the map.

A video by YouTuber ‘CronicGamerZ’ shows how to get to the secret rift opening that’s been hidden away on a remote part of the playable map.

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Epic GamesA lot more things to find have been cropping up since Fort Snow lit up.

Located southeast of Happy Hamlet, the island contains a few treasure chest spawns, a single derelict shack, trees to gather up mats, and not much else beside an unusually large snow mound.

However, hidden under the floorboards of the lonesome shack is a small pocket of space that holds a rift opening.

Upon entering the rift, the player comes out in freefall high above the little island giving them a chance to go back to the main body of land.

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On the face, the island is a bad landing spot that will leave you deserted unless you use up all the wood there just to get back onto the larger map.

The rift opening could be another entry in a long list of Easter eggs or side-story lines that Epic Games occasionally incorporates to its battle royale.

As to why the developers left an open rift in a remote part of the island remains to be seen, but players will no doubt speculate and what this all means in the coming days and weeks.

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Regardless more mysteries and challenges are sure to pop up throughout the new season that will keep players busy and entertained for months to come.