Fortnite players claim weapon mods only made the game worse

fortnite sniperEpic Games

Fortnite players want to see hitscan return to the game, but that may not be possible in Chapter 5 thanks to weapon mods.

Players are hoping for the return of hitscan weapons, which would allow bullets to hit their target directly instead of projectiles that cater toward more precise aiming. However, with the introduction of weapon mods, hitscan is no longer effective. 

Although Fortnite tried to bring back hitscan through different weapons, like Twin-Mag AR and the MK7, it showed that weapon mods with hitscan are not currently viable in the meta. But that does not stop players from chasing the elusive dream of having the mechanic back in the game. 

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“I feel like projectile should only be for snipers. The way Fortnite’s gunplay is doesn’t fit for it all to be projectile. Bloom when not having a scope, is horrible, especially when you’re fighting at a distance. Maybe it’s just me, considering I’ve been used to Fortnite for years, but right now, it feels like Warzone but worse.” said one Reddit user.

Another player pointed out that Fortnite seems to change the damage systems each season, which could mean another chance for hitscan in future seasons.

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Others within the Reddit thread agreed with the sentiment that hitscan was better than the current weapon mod situation. Some even went as far as to say that the current weapon mod meta “sucks” with hope for change in the future.

“Weapon modding sucks anyways. If rng for purple and gold items were low you also have to get lucky for a good scope (or even a scope). Getting a thermal or no scope is just something I have to drop, which sucks, tbh. Modding exists, but holy, is it hard to push something where I can mod.” stated another user

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It’s clear that the Fortnite community is passionate about the current weapon modding system and its effect on gameplay. However, no rumored changes are coming that would bring back the old hitscan system.