Fortnite is locking “basic” rewards behind high levels but players aren’t worried

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Fortnite players are divided on whether the Fortnite Battle Pass has become too much of a grind for its “basic” accessories.

With the addition of Fortnite Festival, Rocket Racing, and LEGO Fortnite, there are more ways than ever to earn XP.

Now the Battle Pass has rewards that go far beyond reaching level 100. In fact, Chapter 5 Season 1 had several bonus rewards that reached well over level 150.

It turns out, this was just the start of Fortnite’s new uphill battle. Season 2 has even more rewards with many more that haven’t been unlocked yet past level 120.

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A user who had already hit level 120 on Fortnite after just three weeks of playing the season, shared a screenshot of some of the items that were locked behind high levels. 

While typically these bonuses are usually flashier than most, Fortnite has now started locking things as basic as a backbling behind high levels. 

“I absolutely hate how they’ve started mixing basic and advanced styles up in the Battle Pass so you can’t have a complete set of any particular color without getting to level 150,” said one player

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Others agreed that these sorts of “basic” accessories should be left to the main Battle Pass instead. Although multiple users pointed out that the new opportunities to gain XP made the climb not as bad. Especially when pointing out that the poster was already over level 100

“Fortnite still has what is unequivocally the most valuable BP in gaming. It’s a shame they want more playtime from you for the “same value” you used to get for less, but it’s pretty minor reduction. How many of you aren’t gonna get 150 that are here complaining anyway?”  argued another commenter.

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Since Chapter 5 Season 2 is less than a month underway, there are still multiple weeks of challenges left to complete. Which should allow players to move through the Battle Pass.

Although there are ways to level up quickly in the new season. So players should have no problem earning the rewards present in all pages of the Battle Pass.