Fortnite: Four ways to balance the X-4 Stormwing

While most of the Fortnite community is currently rejoicing over the fact that the Infinity Blade was vaulted, many are still upset about another aspect of the game that was recently introduced.

The X-4 Stormwing was added to Fortnite at the beginning of Season 7 and while players were initially gawking over the insane plays the vehicle brought, the honeymoon period is now over and people are calling for changes.

Epic Games have announced that the damage players take upon having their planes destroyed will be increased with the v7.10 update, but that alone might not be enough to truly balance this Fortnite vehicle.

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Here are our top four ways the X-4 Stormwing can be changed to limit its overall effectiveness.

1. Remove the turrets

There’s nothing quite like being in the middle of a build fight or even just running across the map and having a Stormwing immediately start raining down bullets on you with little ways to counter it.

Every other vehicle in Fortnite is simply used to traverse the map while a teammate fires from the passenger seat, and there’s no reason the Stormwing can’t be the same. It would still be the fastest way to get across the map, making it great for rotations, but it would prevent the plane from being such a dominant force in games.

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2. Add a fuel tank

While the other vehicles in Fortnite don’t currently have fuel tanks, it might be time to rethink this concept. This is especially true when you consider that players frequently fly the Stormwings around in circles during the late-game to wait out the circle, as showcased during the NA Winter Royale.

Adding in a limited fuel tank will prevent players from being able to fly the plane around endlessly and add a bit more strategy to the equation. The concept is already used by PUBG and would certainly be a welcomed addition to the game.

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3. Add damage when flying into structures

Being able to fly through structures with no penalty at all is far too strong of a feature to be allowed to stay in the game. If structures can be instantly destroyed,it should follow that the plane either be wholly destroyed or at least significantly damaged when crashing into something.

Whether this change would be just damage or straight destruction, adding this feature at all will once again force players to be more strategic with their use of the plane. Removing the reckless element of the Stormwing will go a long way to balancing this vehicle.

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Epic Games

4. Just vault it

This would perhaps be the cheap getaway option, but it’s an option nonetheless. Just as Epic did with the Infinity Blade, vaulting the Stormwing could be a quick fix for the plan to allow themselves some time to re-evaluate things and come up with some potential fixes.