Fortnite fans have come up with the perfect way to counter UFOs

Fortnite UFOEpic Games

Fortnite Chapter 2 Season 7 has introduced plenty of sci-fi content to the battle royale, but one of the most divisive is that of the new UFOs. Fortunately, players have come up with a perfect counter to these pesky airships. 

While the reception surrounding the Fortnite Chapter Season 7 update has been largely positive, many players have voiced their frustrations over the UFOs. Not only do these futuristic airships dish out huge amounts of damage, but they can also easily destroy structures, and safely reposition within seconds. 

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This makes them particularly potent in the game’s final ring, where players have very little space to avoid the aerial bombardments. While the Fortnite’s Launch Pads help to alleviate this aerial advantage, there’s often little you can do when facing off against a full squad of them. Well, that’s unless this fan-made concept enters the game. 

Fortnite Anti-Aircraft concept

Fortnite fly a UFOEpic Games
Fortnite UFOs have divided the community.

To help combat the UFOs that are currently flying through the skies, one player has come up with an exciting concept that would help bring these alien aircrafts down to ground level. Posting on the official Fortnite Reddit page, DrewK26, showcased their Anti-Air Rocket item concept. 

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“With the recent complaints about Saucers in the game, I thought it would be cool to make a concept that could counter it,” says DrewK26. “The Anti-Air Rocket is a singular rocket that is fired and homes onto a nearby entity, have that be a Saucer or somebody gliding onto you.”

Fortnite Anti-Air Rocket conceptDrewK26
DrewK26’s design would definitely help counter the UFOs.

The item is similar to that of the game’s Bottle Rockets, which fire a stream of 45 rockets in the direction the item is thrown in. However, unlike the Bottle Rockets, the Anti-Air Rocket only targets players and vehicles that are airborne. Upon launch, the rocket will home in on the nearest airborne unit and explode upon impact. 

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It’s certainly an interesting feature and one that would help counter the dominant UFOs that soar through the skies. Fortnite has had similar weapons appear in the past, with the Mounted Turret being a trap players could place to surprise nearby enemies.

Whether Epic decides to release an anti-aircraft weapon remains to be seen, but for now, Fortnite players will need to get used to countering the UFOs with the new IO Tech weapons and conventional firearms. 

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