Nate Hill and FunkBomb punished by Epic Games for Fortnite Fall Skirmish cheating incident

Nate Hill

FaZe Clan’s Nate Hill has been suspended from Fortnite’s Fall Skirmish series and FunkBomb has been kicked from the competition entirely following the recent cheating incident.

The news was announced on stream by Nate Hill on September 24 when he read out an email that he had received from Epic Games, the developers of Fortnite.

The players made headlines during the latest installment of the Fortnite Fall Skirmish tournament when FunkBomb, who was already dead, decided to watch the stream of the game and give information to his teammate.

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Both players were quick to realize that what they were doing was wrong, and both apologized shortly after the incident, but Epic Games appear to be making an example of them in order to prevent other players from repeating their mistake.

“As the teammate and beneficiary, I’ll be suspended immediately from participating in all the Skirmish trials and Skirmishes until conclusion of suspension, October 11,” Nate Hill explained to his stream. “Still a member of Dusty Dogs club and will remain eligible for club prizing,” he continued.

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While the suspension is sure to hit Nate hard, it is nothing compared to the punishment that FunkBomb has received. “Funk is kicked out of Dusty Dogs, effective immediately, will not be eligible for club prizing,” the FaZe player explained as he continued to read the email.

The only silver lining for FunkBomb came in the final lines of the email. “He can go to TwitchCon and playing the TwitchCon tournament,” Nate explained.

Shortly after getting the news, Nate stated “it’s only two weeks but I didn’t fucking do anything, bro. I didn’t fucking do anything, dude. Like, I’m not gonna argue with the rule, obviously Funk fucked up.”

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While Epic Games have classed Nate as the “beneficiary” of FunkBomb’s cheating, the FaZe player and many of his fans believe that the fact that he didn’t encourage it or ask for it should have been enough for him to escape any serious punishment.

The Dusty Dogs Club is one of the five clubs introduced by Epic Games for the start of the Fall Skirmish. Players are split into these clubs and earn points for both themselves and their club during tournaments.

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It is currently uncertain whether FunkBomb will be banned from all online competitions or whether his suspension will be lifted after the conclusion of the Fall Skirmish.