Epic responds to Fortnite glitch making it impossible to run players over

fortnite carEpic Games

Cars in Fortnite aren’t just for getting around the island ⁠— they can be weapons themselves. However, a new glitch has either turned players into unstoppable beasts or cars into bounce pads, as players have noted they can’t run others over.

Cars have been a godsend to Fortnite players. They have been a huge addition to getting across the map, especially as the tides fell and revealed more of the island.

However, they can also be as lethal as the weapons players loot. One hit from a car should be enough to kill any straggling player. A new bug though is making players bounce right off the bumper though, making it impossible to run them over.

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Reddit user gentlecat2210 showcased the bug in action. Rocking the Gold skin for Groot ⁠— which they claim is the reason behind the bug ⁠— they tried to run a player over with their truck. However, instead of squashing the player, they bounced right off.

They were visibly confused as to what happened, turning around for round two before the clip cuts. The player lived miraculously, which ended up being a missed elimination for gentlecat and their squad.

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The problem extends well beyond just being innocuous though. There are often weekly challenges that involve running over players with vehicles, whether it be with a car, boat, or even helicopter.

Not being able to do that means players could miss out on crucial experience. Thankfully, the Week 10 challenges don’t include one of those missions, but if it appears in a future set, there could be trouble.

Epic didn’t necessarily reply to gentlecat’s post on Reddit. However, they’re aware of the problem, as they’ve listed it on their Trello board.

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Fortnite car gameplayEpic Games
They might go fast, but cars aren’t hitting too hard in Fortnite right now.

Epic’s description of the bug states “cars do not consistently damage objects or players upon impact,” which means they’ve managed to limit the scope to just one vehicle. However, they’re still investigating the issue.

It’s likely a fix could come with the next patch, v14.60, which is set to be the last update of Fortnite Season 4. However, keep your eyes peeled in case it comes early ⁠— or if the bug is even bigger than it seems.

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