Epic Games address frustrating sprint bug in Fortnite

Fortnite gamers have been complaining about an odd glitch, in which their character is not able to sprinting as normal since the V8.00 update was released on February 28 – but Epic have finally issued a fix.

The issue, in which the in-game character is unable to sprint after triggering an animation, has been a hot topic on Reddit since the bug was noticed by players following the most recent update.

Reddit user ‘Nel_737’ described the problem where his character would be running as normal and then, after an animation as simple as a jump, his “character decides to start walking instead of running” even though the shift key is still being held down.

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Epic GamesThe bug has been pertinent for some players since Season 8 began.

An Epic employee has responded though, on the official FortNiteBR subreddit, stating that a “PC only client update to resolve the issue causing players to stop sprinting if an animation is played while the “Sprint by Default” option is set to OFF”.  

The post from Epic’s MrPopoTFS finished by saying that a similar patch will be released next week for other platforms, such as on the PS4, Xbox One and mobile devices. 

There is no specific expected date for the patch on other platforms so, for the moment, console and mobile players will have to bare with Epic as they work on a fix.

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The quick PC fix though is yet further evidence that Epic is still one of the fastest of any developer to responding to issues.