Epic Games address Fortnite Secret Skirmish screen resolution controversy

Epic Games have moved quickly to fix an issue regarding the use of custom resolutions at this week’s Fortnite Secret Skirmish tournament that had caused immediate backlash among pro players attending the event.

Fortnite’s developer had initially stated that players would be able to use custom screen resolutions at the tournament, which delighted many players who would be attending as many play on a stretched resolution when competing at home.

However, rumors began to surface on Monday, February 11 that stated competitors at the Secret Skirmish would not be able to use any resolution they wanted, but rather would have to pick from one of four preset resolutions dictated by Epic Games.

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FaZe Clan star Dennis ‘Cloak’ Lepore was one of the first to tweet his frustrations about the situation, writing: “I have been playing stretched resolution because we were told we would be allowed to use it at the Secret Skirmish. Found out a day before the tournament that I can’t use my resolution.”

Other pro players like Thomas ‘72hrs’ Mulligan and Noah ‘Vivid’ Wright revealed their dismay at the decision, with Ghost Gaming’s Timothy ‘Bizzle’ Miller stating that he was “going to freak out.”

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It appears that the situation has been fixed, as an Epic Games employee stated in a Discord server with pro players that they “should have a workaround solution on site that allows for any resolution.”

An Epic employee revealed that they believed they had a workaround for the issue.

A number of unhappy pro players have already discussed boycotting the Secret Skirmish due to the rule that states they must use equipment provided by Epic Games, but this move may appease unhappy players just days before the event.

The Secret Skirmish is a $500,000 Fortnite tournament set to take place on February 14 and 15. The event will be used as an opportunity for Epic Games to prepare for the Fortnite World Cup which is scheduled for later this year.

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