Epic confirms Fortnite World Cup 2021 has been canceled

Epic Games Fortnite World Cup Canceled 2021Epic Games

Epic Games has confirmed that they have “no plans” for any live events next year, including Fortnite World Cup 2021, all but canceling the event. It’s something many fans expected but still feared, even though most understand it’s necessary.

Fortnite’s competitive scene is one of many that have been rocked in 2020. It was something nobody anticipated or expected, at least, in terms of how severe an impact it would have on the world.

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Unfortunately, we’re not out of the woods yet, and that means there’s still a spanner in the works. Epic Games has decided it’s still too risky to host live events anytime soon.

They’ve opted to cancel all live events in 2021, including the Fortnite World Cup. They laid it all out in their latest blog post.

Epic Games Fortnite World Cup Canceled 2021Matthew McDermott
The Fortnite World Cup is the premier event in the Fortnite competitive scene.

“Our intent is to eventually hold global in-person tournaments again, but our priority for any such event is the health and safety of our players and staff,” they said. It’s a sentiment that other organizations have shared.

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“With so much still unknown about what is practical and safe, we do not plan to hold in-person events in 2021, including a Fortnite World Cup,” they added. However, that doesn’t mean there won’t be any competitions at all.

“We will continue to provide online competitions throughout 2021 with the hopes that physical events, in some form, can return at some point in the future,” they said. 

It’s crazy to think that we might still be a year away from seeing LAN esports events again. However, it’s a sensible decision given the circumstances.

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Epic Games Fortnite World Cup Canceled 2021Nick Statt
Fortnite fans will need to wait at least another year before seeing a LAN tournament.

It’s bittersweet news for fans and players around the world. They’d love to see competitive LAN events in the Fortnite scene once again.

But at the same time, it’s good to know that Epic Games has everyone’s best interests at heart. They aren’t willing to risk anything, which is nice.