Dr DisRespect goes on incredible rant about Fortnite after uninstalling the game

Despite exclusively playing battle royale games on his Twitch channel, Dr DisRespect has vowed to never play Fortnite ever again.

The two-time Blockbuster Gaming champion is never one to hold anything back when it comes to his opinion, always telling his viewers like it is every stream.

Following that trend, he offered some strong opinions about Fortnite during his stream on November 21.

When a donator asked what game to start with if they wanted to become competitive in a first-person shooter, The Doc made it clear how he felt about the popular battle royale title.

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“Definitely not Fortnite, get it off your computer,” The Doc responded. “Like I did this morning. I uninstalled the game.”

His uninstalling the game wasn’t just a temporary thing, either, as he seemingly swore off the game for good.

“I’ve never playing the game on this channel ever again. I’ve committed to it. I’ve made that statement and I am going to commit to it for the rest… Fortnite is no more here.”

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If that wasn’t enough, he also sent out a Tweet after ending his stream that reiterated his stance on the game.

This news comes as a bit of a surprise given that he just finished up the second iteration of his Code Red Fortnite tournament on November 20.

This seemingly points to Code Red going back to Black Ops 4’s battle royale mode, Blackout, once it returns.