CouRage and Ninja discuss awkward parent moment that went viral

By now, everyone has seen or heard about the clip of a kid’s mom scolding CouRage for playing with her son.

Ninja was playing with CouRage on stream and couldn’t help bring up the cringe-inducing incident.

He started by parroting the mom’s comments “do you usually play with kids this age?”

When the mom delivered that loaded question, it immediately put CouRage on the back foot and he did his best to explain the situation.

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He offered more details on his thought process during those moments to Ninja.

The worst part is that it wasn’t even the kid CouRage originally agreed to play with, it was his friend. 

“He was like ‘can I invite my buddy?’ sure lil’ Jeffy, bring in your friend.” said CouRage in the video below, not knowing what that would bring.

The kid, who spent the first two minutes absolutely star struck at the prospect of playing with one of the top players in the game, immediately turned to horror as his mom ruined the moment.

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From her perspective, the worry is valid. Here’s this random dude who is playing with her son and he’s an adult. Without knowing anything about CouRage or even Twitch, that interaction could feel weird.

Luckily, she seemed to understand CouRage’s explanation and allowed her son to play one more game with them but the kid went MIA.

All-in-all, CouRage did well to diffuse the situation, but he may never live down that hilarious moment. 

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