College Fortnite pros quit after winning CSLeague Nationals on stream

CStarleague2, Twitch / Epic Games

Many top players have bemoaned the state of Fortnite’s competitive scene – but two college pros spoke out on the issue in a big way after taking a major championship.

Rather than celebrating their victory at the Collegiate Starleague Nationals, University of Georgia pros Mister.Lemon and JACK0 made a surprising statement on the main stage following their win.

“Honestly, we don’t really like the game that much,” one player answered after being asked what was next for the pair. “Epic is kind of messing around a little bit with the way they’re balancing everything.”

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Retiring from Fortnite due to Epic’s esports blunders

He wasn’t alone in his sentiments; his teammate held a similar view on the matter, stating straight-up that the pair were officially retiring from the esport.

“We’ve decided that we don’t want to play competitive Fortnite anymore, so we’re going to move on to different games and probably, like, do different stuff,” he claimed.

Epic GamesFortnite’s newest season introduced a slew of changes that many top players weren’t overtly fond of – even taking away the game’s siphon mechanic from Fortnite’s core modes.

Mister.Lemon and JACK0 wouldn’t be the first competitive players to speak out about Epic’s esport practices, by far; in fact, massively popular Twitch streamer Tyler ‘Ninja’ Blevins called out Epic in a scathing Tweet on April 28, claiming that Fortnite’s Arenas were “unplayable.”

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“Arenas are unplayable with the streamer mode not working,” Ninja wrote. “Getting 10 people landing on me at the edge of the FIRST circle every single game. … please fix so I can actually play/practice.”

Epic’s April Update

Despite widespread player complaints, Epic Games have stood firm on their decision to remove Fortnite’s stretched resolution and siphon mechanic from its core modes, claiming that they “seek to avoid optional settings which provide players with a significant gameplay advantage.”

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Epic Games have also been known to introduce huge changes to Fortnite just ahead of major competitive events, as seen in the induction of the Boom Box item the same day as the $100,000 WSEO tournament – which saw even the likes of TSM Myth joke that the company was “trolling.”

Some players are even speculating that season 10 might drop just before the Fortnite World Cup in July – leaving competitors nervous as to their chances in the competition.

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Epic’s statement on this matter was largely open-ended in their April 26 Competitive Development Update, but appeared to hint that updates to the “ever-evolving game” would not halt for its competitive circuit.