Characters’ mouths now move when your mic is activated on Fortnite

Fortnite players have discovered that the characters’ mouths are now in motion when your in game mic is on in the lobby area.

Epic Games loves to surprise the community with in-game features that often go beyond expectation, and this latest change is a small novelty, but an entertaining one.

On November 3, some players noticed that when their microphone was active in game and the player spoke, the mouth of their character began to move, mimicking speech.

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Fortnite developers Epic Games seem to have added this feature in silently, as it is not mentioned in any recent patch notes or on their official social channels.

It is unknown if the feature is active on console and mobile yet, as there is only evidence of it on PC. So, if you are a PC player, you can test out speaking in your microphone when you are in the lobby of the game, and see your character speak along with you.

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Note that this feature only applies in the lobby are, and not the spawn island or in actual matches, at least currently.

If you are planning to try it out, you may need to increase some of your graphic settings to make it happen, as some players have said that the mouths will not move on lower settings.

While ideally this feature would work in actual matches too, there is likely too much action in game to notice such a small novelty anyway. Nonetheless, it is an interesting addition from Epic, and we wonder if they have any more small touches like this in the works.

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