Ninja announces New Years Eve Fortnite event in Times Square on panel at TwitchCon

In the closing minutes of Ninja’s panel with Twitch CEO Emmett Shear at TwitchCon, Ninja announced a new Fortnite event taking place on New Year’s Eve.

Not a ton of information was disclosed with the initial announcement, but this event seems to be similar to Ninja’s Fortnite all-nighter in Chicago over the summer.

The event will run from 4 PM to 4 AM on New Year’s Eve and will be held in Times Square alongside the famous ball drop.

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According to Ninja, the event was Red Bull’s idea and he was immediately on board. 

“New Year’s Eve, staying up until Midnight was one of my favorite things as a kid,” Ninja said on stage after the announcement. “I felt like there wasn’t anything for gamers. I didn’t watch the ball drop when I turned 17, 18 years old, I just gamed all night, but there was never a main massive event where gamers on Twitch could come together.”

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Now Ninja is in a spot to create that event, so he did. We will update as more information about the event becomes available.

Below is the full VOD of the 30-minute panel where Ninja and Shear talk about what they would do if they switched places for a day and why Battle Royale has been so successful for streamers, among other topics.

Watch TwitchCon 2018 – Glitch Theater from Twitch on