Woman under fire after refusing to pay $150 towards meal with friends

Woman expected to pay $150 billTikTok: @remiandaryan

A woman came under fire when she shared a recent dining experience that turned out to be a complete nightmare, after she was expected to pay $150 for a $50 meal.

In a TikTok video that’s accumulated over 1 million views, a woman took to the platform to share a story about a birthday dinner she attended with her friend, along with several other people she didn’t know.

Remi explains that she is a single mother, and is therefore cautious about how she budgets her money. In order to still make it to the birthday meal, she carefully budgeted $50, which was the set cost of the meal per head, excluding drinks. 

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She also brought along a coupon to make things even cheaper. 

However, her troubles began when several of the people there left without paying their bills. She suspects that they left the money with the host, but is then shockingly asked by the remainder of the party to pay $150, to “float the bill” when she only ordered the set $50 meal.

She says she could only pay the $50, and as a result, she claims: “She was irritated with me… but I was like, this was not my thing. I am a single mom. You did not clear this. We did not talk about this.”

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“Never sit down to eat with a group without first clearing (budgets) with everybody,” she advises. 

TikTok weighs in on woman expected to contribute $150 for meal

After the video was posted, a wealth of comments followed. Many people were quick to jump to the woman’s defense, and shared that they’d experienced similar situations: 

“I’m not cheap, but it really bugs me when people order extra bottles of wine, dessert and then they want to split the bill.”

Many felt thankful for their own friendship groups, writing: “Damn, I guess I’ve got a solid group of friends. We always assume we are paying for our own meals unless someone says otherwise.”

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“Always tell the waiter that your check is separate as soon as you sit down. No grown adult should expect others to pay for them,” another suggested.

However, some thought Remi was in the wrong for attending the meal in the first place, stating: “Also, if you don’t have money, don’t go. Don’t put yourself in bad situations.”

“If you can’t afford it, don’t do it. That was one thing my mother taught me,” another concurred.

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Another TikToker went viral, after she posted a video showing her and her friends being given a $100 bill, for a meal they thought was complimentary.