Woman orders wings from Pizza Hut wants to “throw up” after biting into one

Woman disgusted by pizza hut wingsTikTok: @toastycoop / Pizza Hut

A woman went viral on TikTok after ordering wings from Pizza Hut, but they weren’t at all what she expected, and made her feeling like “throwing up.”

TikToker Haikei shared that’d she’d ordered takeout from Pizza Hut, and one of the items was boneless chicken wings, which look super tasty upon first glance. However, upon further inspection, things weren’t quite how they seemed. 

“Y’all I, I’m gonna throw up,” she says, holding up one of the chicken wings. We can spot the pink interior, revealing that they’re raw. 

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She says that her husband bit into one, and that’s when they discovered the uncooked meat. She says that the whole batch ended up being raw. 

People disgusted by raw chicken delivery

“Did you call the Pizza Hut you got them from? I’m so invested in what they said about it if you did,” one viewer asked Haikai.

“They said ‘so you have the option to come pick up a new order or get $8 in store credit’ I was like Ma’am y’all tried to kill us. They said a manager would have to call us tomorrow,” she revealed. 

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“20 years ago I worked for them and pretty much all the stores are the same way and they’re just disgusting. trust me when I say don’t eat there,” another wrote in. Hailey replied, “never again.”

“Coming from someone who had salmonella.. worst thing I ever had and I say that after three ankle surgeries. BE CAREFUL,” another user warned. 

Another customer went viral when they shared a gross custom order from a McDonald’s customer.

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