This ‘supersize me’ box from McDonald’s secret menu is going viral

Tommy Winkler / McDonald's logoTikTok / McDonald's

A popular food TikToker revealed their ‘The Supersize Me Box’ creation and it’s instantly gone viral, with viewers salivating at the contents.

This video, posted on May 27, has amassed over 4 million views in just two days, shows Tommy Winkler, or ‘The Food Guy‘ chopping up several McDonald’s menu items, and mixing them with fries and sauces in a big bowl.

So, here’s what you need to order to make this fast food mega box:

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  • 2 cheeseburgers
  • A filet-O-fish
  • large fries
  • buffalo sauce
  • portion of Big Mac sauce
  • Tartar sauce (comes with filet-O-fish)

You’ll also need:

  • 6 slices American cheese
  • A large ovenproof casserole dish

To make this monster McDonald’s meal, Winkler chops the burgers/sandwiches up into bitesize pieces and puts them in the casserole dish. He then adds the fries and sauces, and mixes the whole thing with a spatula until it is well-combined into a beige masterpiece.

He then places the cheese slices on top of the dish, and puts it in the oven until the cheese is fully melted and crispy on top.

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This dish is a casserole of dreams and will cost you around $20 at your local drive-thru – sure to feed the whole family.

People in the comments were going wild for this creation, with someone commenting, “Don’t do this to me, I’m hungry.” However, some people were noting that Winkler had “lost them with the fish sandwich.” and that their, “stomach was literally hurting watching this.”

Winkler aptly named this meal the ‘Supersize Me’ box, in a tribute to Morgan Spurlock, who died on May 23, 2024. Spurlock famously only ate McDonald’s for a month in a 2004 film, also titled ‘Supersize Me’. One of the rules of the month-long pursuit was that if the McDonald’s staff asked him if he wanted to supersize his meal, he always had to say yes.

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Much like Spurlock, Winkler’s videos often feature him eating huge amounts of fast food, and in this video, he paid tribute to one of the greats.

This isn’t the only crazy fast food invention to make an appearance this May, as Domino’s have launched a pineapple-stuffed crust, and Taco Bell is launching a giant Cheez-It tostado.