Single mom furious after claiming Walmart delivery driver stole half her order

Woman says Walmart driver stole half of orderTikTok: @katdaddykatt

A single mom took to TikTok, where she ranted about a recent experience she’d had, claiming that a Walmart delivery driver stole half of her food order.

Sharing her fury with viewers, TikToker Kat said that she literally does not have time to go to the store to pick up her own food items. As a single mom, she relies on food delivery services in order to collect her groceries. 

Visibly upset, she explains: “When you leave off half of my f**king order and say it’s delivered – f**k you. I’m not stupid. I understand times are tough. I literally just made a f**king video about it, times are f**king tough, but they’re not just tough for you, OK? They’re tough for everybody.”

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Apparently it gets worse, as she claims the Walmart driver took item’s she’d bought specifically bought for her autistic child: 

“And you just took my motherf**king groceries like it was nothing. And not only that, but you took the things specifically, you knew that they were specifically for f**king children. If you’re gonna take the milk, take the f**king cereal. OK? But pull-ups? The melatonin? Lunchables?”

This was clearly a major problem for Kat, as she says that her son “freaks the f**k out about Lunchables on a daily basis.”

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She says that Walmart were active in their desire to help Kat rectify the situation, however, she’d have to wait ten business days for a refund. 

“To the piece of sh*t who stole my f**king kid’s food, I hope you choke on it,” she finishes.

TikTok weigh in on women’s Walmart delivery rant

After the video was posted on the platform, people were torn over the situation, with many quick to disagree with Kat. 

“No time (for her)… when she clearly sends back a video response each time. lol. Go get your own f**kin food. Pff no time my ass,” one disgruntled viewer wrote. 

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“No offence because I’m sure you work hard but why have three kids? It’s obviously too much for you to handle,” another stated bluntly. 

“Girl….buck the f**k up! Go to the fucking store and take your hellians! You had them, take them. Ya’ll are lazy as f**k! Go to the f**king store!”

A few, however, sympathized with Kat, writing: “For all those saying horrible comments to someone who is going through a hard time… What is wrong with you? I’m so sorry this happened, you have every right to be furious!”

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“Girl, send me your address and what you need… Single mom too… Not struggling now paying it forward,” another offered kindly.

This isn’t the first time delivery drivers have been in the spotlight, as a DoorDasher ate a customer’s food after they allegedly failed to tip him.