Servers call woman “cheap” for restaurant money saving hack

Couple money saving hackTikTok: @hadassahmoore99

A woman took to TikTok to record a video demonstrating a hack she uses to save money while eating at restaurants. Servers blasted her, calling her “cheap.” 

Hadassah Moore filmed herself at The Diner in Sevierville, Tennessee, where she and her husband went out for a meal together. 

Her partner can be seen sitting across from her, sipping from a white mug. After he puts the mug down in the center of the table, she then picks up the same mug and drinks from it too. 

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The text overlay reads, “Our money saving tactic is sharing one refillable drink when we go out to eat.”

“Gotta save money somehow,” she writes in the video’s caption.

Servers call woman’s money-saving hack “cheap”

After the video was posted on social media, it caused quite a stir, with many servers unhappy with Hadassah. 

“If you can’t afford another $2-$3 drink then I’m worried if you even tip good,” one wrote.

“Worst tables to get ever,” another commenter agreed. “Had someone ask me for a soda (with) no ice and an extra glass on the side once.”

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They claimed that they knew Hadassah wasn’t a good tipper, because they were already being “cheap” by sharing the same drink. 

Some, however, commended her for her money-saving tip, and said that they also did the same. 

“With the prices for soda these days we do the same. $4 for a drink is insane.”

“Did this as a teenager and got yelled at by a server. Maybe I’ll try it now, lol,” another wrote.

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Another customer went viral, when they raged at wait staff at the Sugar Factory, when an automatic tip was added to their bill.