McDonald’s employee fired after being arrested on shift for violating probation

The New York Times

A McDonald’s employee has recounted the horrifying story of how they got arrested on shift after ignoring police request to return home for violating probation.

The employee claims to have taken the job whilst still on probation after being released from prison, but they weren’t sure if their manager knew this.

When the employee received a call from the police and was asked to return home, their manager allegedly told them to, “go back to work” which prompted the police to come and arrest the employee on-site.

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Manager told the employee to “go back to work” after receiving call from the police

It all started as a normal day at work for this McDonald’s employee, until they claimed that their colleague received a phone call asking if the employee on probation was on shift that day.

When the police rang the McDonald’s branch they didn’t say who was calling or what they were calling about – just that they wanted to speak to a certain employee.

The former employee, who shared that they had reportedly been on the run for up to five years in the past, panicked and told their manager that they were on probation and that the police were looking for them. Instead of freaking out, the manager apparently ensured the employee that they would not tell the police that this person was on shift and that they should just “go back to work” as normal. The manager even went as far as telling the employee who had answered the phone that they shouldn’t have revealed the person on probation was at work.

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Things escalated, though, when the employee on probation got a call from their Mom saying that the police had arrived at their house, which was a short distance from the McDonald’s store. Apparently, they were being arrested for failing three drug tests and were planning on turning themselves in at their next probation meeting.

a photo of some police cars outside a cordoned off McDonald's restaurantYahoo News UK
Police at McDonald’s

The whole incident came to a head when the employee explains that, “The police came in, four of them, three not in uniform and one with khakis and sheriff vest. They make their way to back booth and take me out the back door. I no longer have a job now.”

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The former employee was left feeling angry with their manager as they were reportedly told to continue their shift instead of surrender themselves to the police. The former employee states that they didn’t know they would be fired if they were arrested at work, saying, “She didn’t tell me ‘Hey if you get arrested on premises you will be terminated.'”

Although it is not clear what repercussions the McDonald’s employee faced for violating their probation, they definitely experienced one of the worst days at work ever.

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