McDonald’s admits price surges are causing customers to stay at home


McDonald’s CFO has admitted that the fast food chain expects to see a dip in customers as food prices continue to rise.

Recently, fast food lovers have been outraged at McDonald’s as their prices reach an all-time high.

McDonald’s prices went up by 10% in 2023 alone, and while they still rise, the company intends to focus on value menu items and in-app deals to keep customers happy.

McDonald’s finds ways to retain customers with exclusive deals

Ian Borden, McDonald’s CFO spoke at a conference recently and admitted that a lot of their low income customers were opting to stay at home instead of eating out at fast food restaurants.

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A low-angle photo of the Mcdonald's sign against a blue sky background.Forbes Magazine
McDonald’s prices rise

Although McDonald’s has put its prices up, they have not changed their portion sizes in years, and customers are mad that they are paying much more for the same food items.

One person took to X to say, “McDonalds high prices are the reason I stopped eating there.” after someone shared a photo of a McChicken sandwich that cost nearly five dollars:

Amongst this backlash, McDonald’s have vowed to be “a lot more active” on their app, offering exclusive deals and discounts more regularly to encourage customers to eat out again.

“I think consumers in 2024 are going to be much more focused on affordability,” Borden said. “And that’s certainly what we’re going to focus on and emphasize.” McDonald’s says they will, for example, promote its value deals more heavily, such as bundles in the US that come in at under $4.

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If you don’t yet have the McDonald’s app, it’s probably a good idea to get on there as soon as possible so that you can still enjoy fast food without your bank account taking a hit.