Man spotted by Starbucks Executive given gift card for his act of kindness

Starbucks gift card manTikTok: @jontayblack

A man who said he was awarded a Lifetime Starbucks Gift Card for his kind act to an employee was indeed given a gift card, although it wasn’t quite for a lifetime.

In a video that’s gone viral on TikTok, a man said he was awarded a Lifetime Starbucks Gift Card for his act of kindness toward a new employee. Although it seemed too good to be true – and to some extent it was – they did receive a gift card.

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In the video, the man explains that he’d asked for a pretty straightforward item: a Strawberry Lemonade.  The girl serving him, however, was new to the establishment, and was having some trouble putting his order through on the computer. 

“It was a new girl and she didn’t know how to put the order in,” he explains. This meant several mix-ups, where he ended up with the wrong order more than once. The man didn’t get frustrated, however, and decided to handle the situation with kindness. 

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He acknowledges that everyone has tough days in work, and practiced patience and politeness with the new employee.

Little did he know that a Starbucks Executive was watching the whole encounter. He thought that the man deserved to be rewarded for his act of kindness. He then said he was handed over a Lifetime Starbucks Gift Card. 

“Shoutout to Starbucks for making my day,” the TikToker said. “She gave me a lifetime Starbucks gift card.”

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Starbucks Gift Card too good to be true?

When approached about the occurrence, a Starbucks Spokesperson released a statement that revealed the story was a little too good to be true.

“The positive interaction did occur, it was a true example of how our partners work to uphold the customer experience every day. However, the gift card the customer received was for $5,” they said.

With prices rising exponentially in fast food places, Starbucks is no exception. For some of their beverages, you’ll pay as much as $5.95.

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Take-out coffee is also one of the most popular options for customers, with a report showing that women will spend a colossal $2,327 on coffee each year. Men will spend $1,934 on average. 

Therefore, a Starbucks Lifetime Gift Card would be one of the most coveted items coffee fans can win. 

Even though Jontay wasn’t lucky enough to be given one of these, the video proves that kindness is rewarded.