How to order Costco’s secret menu pizza: Hidden code explained

Costco storefront and pizzaTikTok/ TimeOut

According to TikTok, you can quote a special code when ordering at Costco and they’ll give you a chicken baked pizza.

TikToker @therussianonig posted a video showing a “chicken bake pizza” that he was able to order using a “secret code.”

Although the video does not state what is on the pizza, it looks like it has a white sauce base with BBQ chicken and lots of cheese. Costco is known for its huge pizzas sold at a great price, but currently, in the US the only options are cheese or pepperoni pizza.

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However, according to the video, if you ring ahead to order your pizza and quote the code, “69247” they will make you this enormous chicken feast.

The TikToker warns that if you just ask for the pizza by name, staff will not make it for you, so it’s essential that you quote the code.

Some people in the comments claim that they tried this and it didn’t work, but another viewer mentioned, “I tried to order it with the number. I went to the store and they gave me a giant cookie with cheese and pepperoni.” Which sounds a little less appetizing.

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Costco stores have self-serve kiosks where you can order using a touch screen, and on this screen, there is an option to enter codes for food, so you can enter the code in this way if you don’t want to quote it over the phone.

According to the TikTok, this secret menu pizza will only cost you ten dollars, that is, if you remember the secret code for ordering.