Dunkin’ Donuts sued over extra charges and internet supports it

dunkin coffeeUnsplash.com: Isabella Fischer

In a video that’s gone viral on TikTok, as a woman explained the reason popular chain Dunkin’ Donuts is being sued, many people in the comments backed the litigation. 

Angela, who is a lawyer active on TikTok, broke down the whole situation:

“Dunkin’ Donuts is being sued in a nationwide class action for those extra charges they’ve tacked on in the last four years for those of you who’ve ordered coffee and tea-based drinks and swapped out cow’s milk for non-dairy alternatives (like) soy milk, almond milk, coconut milk, (and) oat milk,” she said.

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“See, these swaps are often made by people who have an intolerance to dairy or (a) milk allergy which, the lawsuit alleges, qualifies as a disability under the American Disabilities Act,” she continued. “The Act requires reasonable modifications for people with disabilities, and a surcharge may not be imposed to cover those costs.”

“The lawsuit says that Dunkin’ currently charges $0.50 to $2.15 for this swap—up to 40% of the drink’s cost,” she adds on. 

TikTok users weigh in on Dunkin’ lawsuit

Many people supported the legal action being made against the chain, having found themselves in frustrating situations because of the extra charges: “The worst is when I had a free drink at Dunkin’ and they charged me just for the almond milk,” one wrote. 

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“OMG they sometimes also make it with regular milk despite asking for a swap and then you become a rocket and you still have to pay more for it,” another stated. 

Some, however, argued that this issue wasn’t just exclusive to Dunkin’, but many fast food chains: “EVERYWHERE charges more for it. Will this lawsuit give way for other companies to be sued for it as well?”

“Everywhere charges more for a non-dairy option, it’s almost always 50¢ so are they gonna sue every coffee shop ever?” another concurred. 

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Walmart are also being sued by a man who has demanded unlimited lifetime shopping from the chain.