Customer slammed after berating pizza delivery driver for not having change

customer berates delivery driverTikTok: 72big30

A video has gone viral where a customer berated a pizza delivery driver for not carrying change with him. Here are the details.

In a TikTok posted by RkDaDon, he can be heard berating a pizza delivery driver for not carrying the right amount of change with him.

“You think I never ordered food before? Dumby!” RkDaDon said to the Pizza Pizza driver after he told them to call management from the restaurant.

RkDaDon continued, “You stupid! Do something, I dare you! I want you to!”

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While the delivery driver was on the phone with his boss, RkDaDon can still be heard complaining and talking to the driver in a threatening manner.

“You must have thought I was one of those punks, aye? Wrong guy you f*cking fool! I’ll make a clown out of you,” RkDaDon said as he told the driver to take the food back.

RkDaDon also mocked the driver’s accent and called him the “worst” Pizza Pizza delivery driver they ever had. However, during the interaction, the driver did not verbally fight back and kept his cool.

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Viewers of the now-viral story have since reacted with empathy for the driver and anger towards the customer, RkDaDon.

“Your parents must be so proud of you, man’s just doing his job. You must be a little useless boy,” wrote one viewer.

“Talking to anyone like this is not ok,” agreed another.

Despite the wrongdoings of RkDaDon, he ultimately was given his money back and kept his food for free, as the driver decided to walk away from the situation.

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