Customer shares hack to get free food “every single day” from McDonald’s, Domino’s & more

Man shares hack for free foodTikTok: @thankucheese / Flickr

A man has gone viral after sharing how to get free food from major chains such as Domino’s and McDonald’s – TikTok couldn’t believe it. 

TikTok user @thankucheese, took to the platform to share a hack he’d discovered in order to get free food when he was feeling hungry. 

“Money is tight,” he begins. “This is how you’re going to get free food. You can literally eat free food for every single day of the year. This is what you’re going to do: imagine that you’re hungry and you got no f**kin’ money, so you go and get some food. What you’re going to do is download an app for where you want to eat at.”

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“You’re going to set your birthday for that date,” he shares. “Once you set your birthday for that date, you’re automatically going to get a free reward from that app.”

TikTokers weigh in on customer’s free food hack

After the video was posted on TikTok, many were eager to share their thoughts on the new hack. “Bro out here saving lives,” one said, clearly grateful for the man’s advice. 

“I remember going around to different Starbucks on my bday. As soon as my coffee was done, I’d go get another free one from a different store.” another shared. 

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However, some were critical of the man’s hack, writing that it wouldn’t actually grant them a full meal:

“Bro they be giving you a free cookie,” an user wrote, followed by a series of crying emojis. “Most times you don’t get the reward unless you do it a few weeks before,” another claimed.

Another McDonald’s customer went viral for sharing a hack for getting cheap meals every single time, and TikTok was amazed.

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