How to complete the Stigma Dreamscape dungeon in FFXIV Endwalker: All encounters, bosses, & how to start

ffxiv the sigma dreamscape endwalker dungeonSquare Enix

FFXIV Endwalker’s Stigma Dreamscape dungeon can prove quite the challenge, so here’s a rundown of how to start and complete it, alongside all encounters and bosses that you’ll need to defeat. 

Final Fantasy XIV Endwalker serves as the game’s climax for the Warrior of Light, as they progress through time traveling, an impending apocalypse, and multiple fights against powerful foes.

After you stop the Final Days, you must help the Loporrit Jammingway with several endeavors, one of which involves a Dungeon related to the Ultima Thule region, called “The Stigma Dreamscape.”

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ffxiv endwalker the stigma dreamscape dungeonSquare Enix
The Matrix meets FFXIV in The Stigma Dreamscape.

FFXIV Endwalker: How To Unlock Stigma Dreamscape

To unlock this dungeon, you must complete the following Quest:

Where No Loporrit Has Gone Before

  • Quest Giver: Jammingway
  • Location: Old Sharlayan (11, 13.8)
  • Level: 90

FFXIV Endwalker: The Stigma Dreamscape Objectives

Upon entering the dungeon, players will be given six different objectives to grind through:

  • Arrive at A-4 Command
  • Clear A-4 Command
  • Arrive at A-4 Conquest
  • Clear A-4 Conquest
  • Arrive at A-4 Headquarters
  • Defeat Stigma-4

The Stigma Dreamscape presents three areas called “A-4 Command”, “A-4 Conquest”, and “A-4 Headquarters”. These will feature several minor enemies that you will have to kill on your way through them, and at the end of each zone, a boss battle will happen.

Keep in mind that failing any mechanic will result in whoever failed them receiving a two-minute stacking Vulnerability Up debuff.

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FFXIV: Stigma Dreamscape guide

The Stigma Dreamscape Fight #1 – Proto-Omega

ffxiv endwalker the stigma dreamscape dungeon's first boss, proto omegaSquare Enix
You’ll need to have your wits about you to avoid Proto-Omega’s attacks.

As you arrive at the end of the A-4 Command, Proto-Omega will be waiting for you in its fighting arena. After Proto-Omega does its first attack, the arena borders will be covered in an AoE that inflicts damage over time and a Bleeding debuff until you step out of it. The abilities it will use in this fight are the following:

  • Side Cannons: Proto-Omega will attack either the left or right side of the arena from his position. This is easily recognizable by the Arrows pointing out from his body, and you’ll need to move to the opposite side to successfully avoid it.
  • Rear Interceptors: An AoE that covers the entire arena. Move to the front of Proto-Omega to successfully avoid it.
  • Chemical Missile: Every party member except for the Tank will be marked with point-blank AoEs, requiring them to spread out to avoid overlap. Then, lava puddles will drop, inflicting a Burning debuff until you step out of them.
  • Electric Slide: A random party member will receive a mark for a radial knockback from their position. Proto-Omega will jump onto that player, knocking everyone back. You can either move in or use a knockback resistance skill to successfully avoid.
  • Guided Missile: Some party members will be tethered to missiles that will move towards them until they explode, leaving lava puddles in its wake.
  • Mustard Bomb: A heavy-hitting Tankbuster attack that targets the Tank of the party. This damage must be taken alone, as any other Role Class near will likely die.

The Stigma Dreamscape Fight #2 – Arch-Lambda

As you arrive at the end of the A-4 Conquest, Arch-Lambda will be waiting for you in its fighting arena. The abilities it will use in this fight are the following:

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  • Wheel: A Tankbuster attack that targets the Tank of the party. This damage must be taken alone, as any other Role Class near will likely die. 
  • Atomic Flame: A room-wide AoE which can be mitigated and healed through.
  • Auto-mobile Assault Cannon: Arch-Lambda will move back to the center of the arena and indicate where it will dash to, up to four times. To avoid being hit, move to a space where it won’t charge through.
  • Wave Cannon: When Arch-Lambda finishes using Auto-mobile Assault Cannon, it will turn and attack, shooting an AoE from the front half of its hitbox. Move behind it to avoid the attack.
  • Auto-mobile Sniper Cannon: Arch-Lambda will move back to the north wall and shoot a line AoE across the center of the arena. Different orbs will appear in the area and over party members’ heads. When Arch-Lambda reaches each spot with orbs in it, it will shoot a laser attack at the corresponding player. To avoid hitting their teammates, each party member must move next to the matching number of orbs.

The Stigma Dreamscape Boss Battle – Siege Matrix: Stigma-4

ffxiv endwalker the stigma dreamscape final boss stigma 4Square Enix
The final part of FFXIV’s Stigma Dreamscape dungeon culminates in a face-off between your party and Stigma-4.

As you arrive at the end of the A-4 Headquarters, Stigma-4 will be waiting for you in its fighting arena. After Proto-Omega does its first attack, the arena borders will be covered in an AoE that inflicts damage over time and a Bleeding debuff until you step out of it. The abilities it will use in this fight are the following:

  • AI Takeover: Stigma-4 summons one of three possible adds:
    • Omega Frame: This add will use Proto-wave Cannon, attacking half of its hitbox, and Self-Destruct, dealing heavy damage if it isn’t killed before it finishes casting.
    • Hybrid Dragon: This add uses Firebreath, a conical AoE, and Self-Destruct, dealing heavy damage if it isn’t killed before it finishes casting.
    • Proto-Rocket Punch: Six adds will pop up on the arena borders and cast Rush, flying across the arena after they finish casting it. To successfully avoid, find the safe gap between adds.
  • Transformation: Stigma-4 will also transform periodically into one of two shapes:
    • Double Helix Spiral: This shape casts a point-blank AoE, and you’ll need to get out of range to successfully avoid it.
    • Circle: Casts a donut-shaped AoE, and you must move inside it to successfully avoid it.
  • Mindhack: After the cast finishes, all party members will receive a Face Direction debuff, forcing them to run in the direction listed for a few seconds. Be prepared and pay attention to which shape Stigma-4 takes before moving.
  • Atomic Ray: A room-wide AoE which can be mitigated and healed through.
  • Multi-AI Takeover: Stigma-4 summons two of the three different adds from AI Takeover.

This article was written by Santi Leguiza.

So, there you have it – everything you ned to know about completing FFXIV Endwalker’s Stigma Dreamscape dungeon!

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