Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth dev announces side-quest fix to let players Platinum the game

Square Enix

Square Enix has announced the next Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth patch will fix the game’s frustrating Can’t Stop Won’t Stop bug.

Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth developer Square Enix has acknowledged an issue with the side-quest Can’t Stop Won’t Stop and is promising a fix in the next update.

In a tweet on the official Final Fantasy 7 Twitter account, they said, “We’re aware of an issue stopping progress in the ‘Can’t Stop Won’t Stop’ sidequest. This is scheduled to be fixed in the next patch. We sincerely apologize for the inconvenience this has caused.”

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For a while now, players have been reporting issues with the Corel region quest since the last patch, with the game not logging high scores on the G-Bike minigame. This makes it impossible to complete the Can’t Stop Won’t Stop, locking players out of several Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth trophies, including the highly coveted Platinum.

Reddit user PlayGroundbreaking57 explained how serious the issue is and how its impact extends past trophies. In a post in the FFVIIRemake subreddit earlier this week, they said “not only is this quest in the way of the Plat blocking basically 3 trophies directly and a few more indirectly … the absolute best folios are locked behind party level 10, guess what are the last 10 points of the party level? That’s right, this glitched sidequest.”

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There is a workaround for those with physical copies of the game – just delete it and reinstall version 1.0 – but digital players will need to wait.

Square Enix has not said when exactly the next patch will be released, but the fact that they are aware of and actively working to fix the quest bug should help reassure players.