Final Fantasy 6 remake could happen but there’s two problems

cloud and sephiroth in final fantasy rebirth remakeSquare Enix

Square Enix’s Final Fantasy team has outlined the next game in the series they want to remake, but their dreams may have been dashed by a higher-up in the FF chain.

As the years pass by, games that were once new and shiny have become nostalgic trips down memory lane. This is why more remakes and remasters are being commissioned all the time. Final Fantasy VII has been a classic example of this treatment and Square Enix is taking its time on the project.

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Meanwhile, the Final Fantasy team is already eager to start work on a different remake. With so many memorable games in the series, it might be hard to isolate just one. They have though, but the execution of the idea could well prove to be too tricky to overcome.

Square Enix wants Final Fantasy 6 remake

In the translated words, thanks to Genki_JPN, of Final Fantasy Director and Producer Yoshinori Kitase: “There are many FF6 fans inside the company and they often ask me ‘When are we making 6?'”

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Kitase is referring to the potential of the company’s next remake project. With Final Fantasy VI regarded as an all-time great, Square Enix is eager to bring new life to this fabled title.

It seems that Final Fantasy 6 is the dream project for the FF team, however, Kitase explained why it’s unlikely to happen anytime soon: “I think [the] FF6 Remake would be difficult. FF7 Remake is not yet finished so I am not able to think about it.”

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So, the immediate problem is twofold. One, we are still some time away from the release of Final Fantasy Rebirth, the second part of a three-part remake that could end up totaling nearly 10 years. On the other hand, Final Fantasy 6 is an old-school, pixel-based game and could be much harder to redo from the ground up.

For the time being, it looks like we’ll have to see how the FF7 Remake goes. Not only that, but Final Fantasy XVI is occupying a lot of Square Enix’s time and effort.

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