Strange FIFA 20 Ultimate Team bug is making bronze cards disappear


Fans of FIFA 20 have uncovered an issue in Ultimate Team that is seeing bronze players disappear moments after grabbing them in packs.

For many Ultimate Team players, the goal is pretty simple – rack up a pretty nice team that is capable of winning matches in dominating fashion. Others, though, are more into the collecting cards and trading side of things – be it collecting all of the players from their favorite team or even which cards take their fancy.

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Sometimes, though, that becomes slightly difficult. FIFA has had problems with bugged cards and packs in the past – with the CONEMBOL cards not having the greatest introduction to the game. Yet, a new issue appears to be rearing its head that is centered on cards that some players would immediately scoff at – bronzes. 

The goal of many FIFA players is to pack big-ticket cards like Ian Wright.

The problem was pointed out by Reddit user tj9429 on the FIFA subreddit who noted that, when opening bronze packs, they would end up with eleven items – meaning that one card had gone missing.

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In the case of tj9429, they discovered that the card that had mysteriously gone missing was Leicester City youngster Geroge Hirst – a 63-rated player. As there was no explanation for this, the Redditor asked if anyone else had suffered from the problem.

Of course, they weren’t alone. Fellow Redditor elhabi added that the same issue was happening when packing Juventus’ Stephy Mavididi – as the former Arsenal youngster was nowhere to be seen in their club.

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Another, vegannakmuay, claimed that they’d run into the bug in the past and had asked EA Support for assistance – only to be told that the card could be claimed via the quick sell recovery method. Though, that wasn’t to be the case.

EA SPORTS have, in the past, responded to similar bugs pretty swiftly and got them rectified – though its difficult to say if they’ll have a solution for this.

It’ll be a case of wait and see if they address it via their Direct Communications Twitter.

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