How to complete FIFA 21 Roberto Firmino Freeze SBC: cheapest solutions & cost

Firmino Freeze SBC

EA Sports has released a new SBC for Liverpool player Roberto Firmino, and we’ve got all the info you need to unlock it quickly and easily for yourself, including stats, price, requirements and solutions.

Firmino has been one of Liverpool’s stars in recent seasons, consistently ranking among the club’s top-performing players match after match in the Premier League.

On Christmas Eve, EA Sports dropped a brand new Freeze SBC for the Brazilian that bumps him up to an 89 OVR and moves him from CF to CM. Below are the stats for this new card, followed by price, requirements, solutions and more:

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Roberto Firmino Freeze SBC in-game stats

Stats for Firmino’s Freeze card in FIFA 21.

Firmino is already an 87 on his regular gold card, but the move to CM comes with some decent stat upgrades, as well. Defending is now 86 up from 61, and Passing is 87 instead of 81.

Physicality is now 84 instead of 78, and while his other stats might have taken a bit of hit, for a midfielder they definitely make for a highly decent card – but it won’t be coming cheap.

Roberto Firmino Freeze SBC requirements & cost

Let’s cut right to the chase here: This is a pricey SBC that comes with five different sets of requirements to complete. All together. it will run you anywhere from 830,000 to 955,000 coins for all of them, so if you’re interested, hopefully you’ve saved some up!

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The full list of requirements along with the rewards for each challenge are listed below:


  • Number of players from Liverpool: Min 1
  • Squad Rating: Min 84
  • Team Chemistry: Min 80
  • Number of players in the Squad: 11
  • Reward: 1 Small Prime Gold Players Pack


  • Number of players from Brazil: Min 1
  • Squad Rating: Min 85
  • Team Chemistry: Min 75
  • Number of players in the Squad: 11
  • Reward: 1 Prime Electrum Players Pack

Premier League

  • Number of players from Premier League: Min 1
  • Squad Rating: Min 86
  • Team Chemistry: Min 70
  • Number of players in the Squad: 11
  • Reward: 1 Rare Mixed Players Pack

Top Form

  • In Form + FUT-CHAMP Players: Min 1
  • Squad Rating: Min 86
  • Team Chemistry: Min 60
  • Number of players in the Squad: 11
  • Reward: 1 Premium Gold Players Pack

88-Rated Squad

  • Squad Rating: Min 88
  • Team Chemistry: Min 50
  • Number of players in the Squad: 11
  • Reward: 1 Rare Electrum Players Pack

Roberto Firmino Freeze SBC cheapest solutions

Below are some of the cheapest solutions to each of the SBCs required to unlock Firmino’s card. To make things even easier, none of them will require any loyalty or position change cards to complete.



Premier League

Top Form

88-Rated Squad

If you want to start knocking out these SBCs to get Firmino for yourself, you do have three weeks to do so – which is a good thing because of the sheer amount of squads you’ll need to put together.

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As always, be sure to follow us on Twitter @UltimateTeamUK for the latest FIFA 21 news, and if you get Firmino from this SBC and use him in a game, be sure to send a clip our way!