FIFA 21 Ultimate Team chemistry styles revealed with new icons

FIFA 21 chemistry styles headerEA Sports

EA Sports is revamping chemistry styles in FIFA 21 ⁠— well, kind of. They are getting a fresh lick of paint with some new icons to match the theme of the new title, with EA revealing the 22 different styles on September 10.

When it comes down to it, chemistry styles in FUT can be the difference maker between breaking through an opponent’s defense or getting trounced yourself. You don’t want your star players working against you with chemistry styles that don’t suit them or your style of play.

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That’s what makes the news of the potential of more chemistry styles coming out exciting. Some new ones could be made to fill the void left by the current set.

EA has finally revealed exactly what chemistry styles are coming to FIFA 21. 22 styles will be available to FUT players, each with a unique set of boosted stats to get the most out of your players. They have even gotten a fresh lick of paint, which might take some getting used to.

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If you were hoping for some new styles, you are out of luck for now. The 22 chemistry styles EA revealed for FIFA 21 are all the same from FIFA 20. The numbers haven’t even changed, although this could be an option as the title nears launch.

If you need a quick refresher of the different chemistry styles, we’ve tabled them down below for you.

Attacking chemistry styles in FIFA 21

Name Distributions Stats
Deadeye SHO +3 PAS +3 +10 Positioning, +15 Finishing, +10 Shot Power, +5 Long Shots, +5 Penalties, +5 Vision, +10 Free Kicks, +5 Long Passing, +15 Short Passing, +10 Curve
Finisher SHO +3 PHY +3 +5 Finishing, +15 Shot Power, +15 Long Shots, +10 Volleys, +10 Penalties, +15 Jumping, +10 Strength, +10 Aggresion
Hawk PAC +2 SHO +2 PHY +2 +10 Acceleration, +5 Sprint Speed, +10 Positioning, +5 Finishing, +10 Shot Power, +10 Long Shots, +10 Volleys, +5 Penalties, +10 Jumping, +5 Strength, +10 Aggression
Hunter PAC +3 SHO +3 +15 Acceleration, +10 Sprint Speed, +15 Positioning, +10 Finishing, +10 Shot Power, +5 Long Shots, +10 Volleys, +15 Penalties
Marksman SHO +2 DRI +2 PHY +2 +10 Positioning, +5 Finishing, +10 Shot Power, +10 Long Shots, +10 Volleys, +5 Penalties, +5 Agility, +5 Reactions, +5 Ball Control, +5 Dribbling, +10 Jumping, +5 Strength, +5 Aggression
Sniper SHO +3 DRI +3 +10 Positioning, +15 Finishing, +10 Volleys, +15 Penalties, +5 Agility, +10 Balance, +5 Reactions, +5 Ball Control, +15 Dribbling

Midfield chemistry styles in FIFA 21

Name Distributions Stats
Architect PAS +3 PHY +3 +10 Vision, +15 Crossing, +5 Free Kicks, +15 Long Passing, +10 Short Passing, +5 Curve, +5 Jumping, +15 Strength, +10 Aggression
Artist PAS +3 DRI +3 +15 Vision, +5 Crossing, +15 Long Passing, +10 Short Passing, +5 Curve, +5 Agility, +5 Balance, +10 Reactions, +5 Ball Control, +15 Dribbling
Catalyst PAC +3 PAS +3 +15 Acceleration, +10 Sprint Speed, +15 Vision, +10 Crossing, +10 Free Kicks, +5 Long Passing, +10 Short Passing, +15 Curve
Engine PAC +2 PAS +2 DRI +2 +10 Acceleration, +5 Sprint Speed, +5 Vision, +5 Crossing, +10 Free Kicks, +5 Long Passing, +10 Short Passing, +5 Curve, +5 Agility, +10 Balance, +5 Reactions, +5 Ball Control, +10 Dribbling
Maestro SHO +2 PAS +2 DRI +2 +5 Positioning, +5 Finishing, +10 Shot Power, +10 Long Passing, +10 Volleys, +5 Vision, +10 Free Kicks, +5 Long Passing, +10 Short Passing, +5 Reactions, +5 Ball Control, +10 Dribbling
Powerhouse PAS +3 DEF +3 +10 Vision, +5 Crossing, +10 Long Passing, +15 Short Passing, +10 Curve, +5 Interceptions, +10 Marking, +15 Standing Tackle, +10 Sliding Tackle

Defending chemistry styles in FIFA 21

Name Distributions Stats
Anchor PAC+2 DEF+2 PHY+2 +10 Acceleration, +5 Spring Speed, +5 Interceptions, +10 Heading, +10 Marking, +10 Standing Tackle, +10 Sliding Tackle, +10 Jumping, +10 Strength, +10 Aggression
Backbone PAS +2 DEF+2 PHY+2 +5 Vision, +5 Crossing, +5 Long Passing, +10 Short Passing, +5 Curve, +5 Interceptions, +5 Heading, +10 Marking, +10 Standing Tackle, +10 Sliding Tackle, +5 Jumping, +10 Strength, +5 Aggression
Gladiator SHO +3 DEF +3 +15 Positioning, +5 Finishing, +10 Shot Power, +5 Long Shots, +10 Interceptions, +15 Heading, +5 Marking, +10 Standing Tackle, +15 Sliding Tackle
Guardian DRI +3 DEF +3 +5 Agility, +10 Balance, +5 Reactions, +5 Ball Control, +15 Dribbling, +10 Interceptions, +5 Heading, +15 Marking, +10 Standing Tackle, +10 Sliding Tackle
Sentinel DEF +3 PHY +3 +5 Interceptions, +10 Heading, +15 Marking, +15 Standing Tackle, +15 Sliding Tackle, +5 Jumping, +15 Strength, +10 Aggression
Shadow PAC +3 DEF +3 +15 Acceleration, +10 Sprint Speed, +10 Interceptions, +10 Heading, +15 Marking, +15 Standing Tackle, +15 Sliding Tackle

Goalkeeper chemistry styles in FIFA 21

Name Distributions Stats
Cat REF +2 SPD +2 POS +2 +10 Reflex, +10 Speed, +10 Positioning
Glove DIV +2 HAN +2 POS +2 +10 Diving, +10 Handling, + 10 Positioning
Shield KIC +2 REF +2 SPD +2 +10 Kicking, +10 Reflex, +10 Speed
Wall DIV +2 HAN +2 KIC +2 +10 Diving, +10 Handling, +10 Kicking

Obviously, if EA makes any changes to chemistry styles, we will let you know. Be sure to follow our Twitter account @UltimateTeamUK so you don’t miss when the hottest FIFA 21 news drops. The launch is only weeks away now, so get excited.

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