FIFA 19 FUT Headliner Marko Arnautovic 87 SBC Solutions

The unprecedented and highly anticipated FUT headliner promotion has just hit FIFA 19! Along with the main squad, EA SPORTS have released a FIFA 19 FUT Headliner Marko Arnautovic SBC (Squad Building Challenge)! Check out our FIFA 19 Arnautovic SBC solutions for each console (PS4 & Xbox One)…

This Arnautovic Squad Building Challenge currently costs around 150k FUT coins to complete. You’ll also receive two packs worth a total of 65k for completing both challenges, bringing the cost of the SBC down to roughly 85k FUT coins. This is essentially a TIF (third in-form) Arnautovic and will always stay one ahead of his current in-form.

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This latest FIFA 19 FUT Headliner Arnautovic SBC expires at 6pm, February 8, 2019. As this is essentially a TIF Arnautovic, it would likely cost around 200k coins on the FUT transfer market. Any further In Forms he receives, this FUT card will be upgraded which makes this SBC incredibly good value!

More: FIFA 19 Headliners Promotion | FUT Cards, SBCs & Pack Offers

Some players that are required for SBC solutions can be price fixed. This is usually the case with cheaper SBCs, so this isn’t particularly relevant in this instance. You can also use this yourself as a FUT trading method, although you’ll need to purchase the required players as the SBCs are released.

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With only one stat below 84 and with potential to be upgraded, this is a must have SBC. Furthermore, this dynamic card only costs around 85k FUT coins (after packs), which is less than half of what his TIF would be on the FUT transfer market! Check out our FIFA 19 FUT Headliner Marko Arnautovic SBC solutions below…

FIFA 19 FUT Headliner Marko Arnautovic SBC Solutions

  • Expires: 6pm, February 8, 2019
  • Non-Repeatable

West Ham Challenge Requirements

  • Number of players from West Ham United: Min 2
  • Same League Count: Max 7
  • Squad Rating: Min 85
  • Team Chemistry: Min 80
  • Number of players in the Squad: 11
  • Formation: 4-4-1-1

West Ham SBC Solution PS4

FIFA 19 West Ham SBC Solution PS4 (117k)

Estimated Cost: 117k (Player prices as of Feb 1).

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West Ham SBC Solution Xbox One

FIFA 19 West Ham SBC Solution Xbox One (127k)

Estimated Cost: 127k (Player prices as of Feb 1).

Premier League Challenge Requirements

  • IF Players: Min 1
  • Number of players from Premier League: Min 2
  • Nationalities: Min 4
  • Squad Rating: Min 83
  • Team Chemistry: Min 75
  • Number of players in the Squad: 11
  • Formation: 4-3-3

Premier League SBC Solution PS4

FIFA 19 Premier League SBC Solution PS4 (30.5k)

Estimated Cost: 30.5k (Player prices as of Feb 1).

Premier League SBC Solution Xbox One

FIFA 19 Premier League SBC Solution Xbox One (33k)

Estimated Cost: 33k (Player prices as of Feb 1).

Are you planning on completing the above FIFA 19 FUT Headliner SBC? If you have already used FUT Headliner Arnautovic, get in touch with us via Twitter and let us know how good you think he is in-game!

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