Evil Geniuses CEO steps down following a year fraught with controversy

Nicole LaPointe steps down as CEO Evil GeniusesEvil Geniuses | YouTube

Evil Geniuses CEO Nicole LaPointe Jameson has announced that she’s stepping down from her position following a year that was filled to the brim with controversy around the esports organization.

Hot off of Evil Geniuses winning it all at Valorant Champions 2023, CEO Nicole LaPointe Jameson has decided to step down from her position.

2023 saw Evil Geniuses in hot water more often than not between the Danny allegations, merch that disappointed fans following their Valorant Champions win, allegations that their content team plagiarized ideas from the LEC, and more.

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Though the end result has ultimately been positive for Evil Geniuses, the path to the finish hasn’t been an easy one. The org has ultimately been dealt yet another blow now that EG CEO Nicole LaPointe Jameson is stepping down, giving the keys to Chris DeAppolonio as an interim CEO until they find someone to take on the role permanently.

Evil Geniuses CEO Nicole LaPointe steps down

As revealed in an interview by Digiday, LaPointe is stepping away from her role. The interview that accompanied the announcement had the now-former CEO reflecting on her time with the organization and what ultimately made her want to move on.

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According to her, the current model for monetizing an esports team doesn’t work. She’s passed the torch knowing that, in her mind, Evil Geniuses will have to evolve to survive.

“The name of the game is what’s the next evolution of revenue growth, revenue diversification and innovation, because I think the world knows just functioning and monetizing as an esports team today doesn’t work.”

Nicole being interviewed Travis GaffordTravis Gafford
Nicole LaPointe in an interview with Travis Gafford following the announcement she’d be taking over in late 2019

LaPointe also claimed that she was “naïve” about the way that she stepped into the world of esports as a public-facing CEO, and that she feels like she’s had a positive impact even if there were fair criticisms levied against her.

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Additionally, LaPointe dismissed the notion that controversy surrounding Danny could have led to her departure amid an ongoing investigation.

“We — myself or EG — have still not received any actual complaints from Danny or his family around this. Danny even posted on Twitter himself that he did not feel mistreated and had a good experience. So I know that’s been a divide; I know people want an apology. But, as of now, I have nothing to apologize for.”

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LaPointe also released a statement on EG’s Twitter account:

Ultimately, it remains to be seen what happens now that Evil Geniuses will be under new leadership. While they’re certainly in a place to succeed considering they have some of the best teams in esports, it remains to be seen how the org will change as a result of this decision.