Apex Legends pro faces backlash over transgender slur and deletes social media

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Apex Legends pro Jaeden ‘Caprah’ Valle has deleted social media after facing backlash for using a transgender slur.

Apex Legends player Jaeden ‘Caprah’ Valle is once again facing backlash. Earlier this year, Caprah made the headlines after making a number of derogatory and offensive comments toward XSET player Sikezz.

A screenshot of a conversation over Discord showing a string of messages was made public, where then former teammates came forward, claiming that it wasn’t the first time they’ve had to deal with his toxicity.

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The situation sparked a response from several of the biggest pros in the Apex Legends community. Now, Caprah has once again come under fire, this time facing backlash for using a transgender slur — leading him to delete his social media profiles.

ALGS pro deletes social media after using transgender slur

Apologizing for his prior actions, Caprah claimed he likely “won’t play competitive Apex ever again.” However, months later, the player made a return to the competitive scene, joining Team SCS.

Now, the 17-year-old has been called out for the use of a slur towards transgender people, where during a scrim session, Caprah could be heard calling his opponent a “tr**ny f**k” after being eliminated.

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Caprah was then called out by ‘Ideas‘ — the transgender player the slur was allegedly targeted towards.

“Loses con once immediately calls me a slur reformed btw how many times has it been 3, 4?” they wrote on Twitter/X.

Ideas also called out Caprah’s teammates for the behavior, before noting how several top players vouched that the 17-year-old was “reformed” before returning to pro play.

“@_Avexys @DeToXGOW this your new teammate? How many top players have directly vouched saying he is reformed? How you [going to] die one time and just spit it out like it’s nothing.

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Caprah has since appeared to delete his social media platforms, with his Twitter/X account no longer available.