YouTuber ‘vapes’ Belle Delphine’s bath water – But was it real?

Belle Delphine / Vito Gesauldi - Twitter

Belle Delphine made waves when she announced she was selling her bath water and one YouTuber claims to have not only bought it, but to have vaped it as well.

Like or not, selling bath water is a thing that is happening in 2019 and Belle Delphine is taking full advantage of it.

Strangely enough, fans are actually buying this bath water. It’s unclear what you’re supposed to do with it once you actually buy it but YouTuber ‘Vito’ claims he decided to vape it.

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“When I heard was bottling up her own filthy bath water and selling it for 30 dollars a jar, I knew I had to get some,” he said.

He made a video showing that he bought it, calling it things like a ‘goddess potion,’ and revealed his plans to vape it. It’s a bold move, that’s for sure.

The YouTuber shows himself warming up and giving what amounts to a farewell message to his dad before actually going through with the vape.

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To his credit, Vito did go through with vaping her bath water, or vaping something at least – something we imagine not many other people would have the guts to do.

The rest of the video shows what would happen if you did actually vape the water, by revealing the fabric of reality tearing and a whole host of other crazy stuff.

Near the end, Vito finally reveals that he printed off the label of the water, pasted it on a jar, and said it was the ‘Gamer Girl’ water.

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It’s a good thing this was fake because there’s really no telling how different things would be right now in the world if he did go forward with the actual vaping of used bathwater.