YouTuber Trevor Jacob stripped of pilot certificate after allegedly crashing plane on purpose

Trevor Jacob flying a planeYouTube: Trevor Jacob

YouTuber Trevor Jacob has had his pilot certificate revoked by the FAA after he received backlash for allegedly purposely crashing a plane for a video.

In December, YouTuber Trevor Jacob, who has over 130,000 subscribers on his channel, uploaded a video titled ‘I crashed my plane’ in which he parachuted into the Nevada mountains after an alleged engine failure, leaving the pilotless plane to crash.

“I did not think I would make it out alive,” he wrote in an Instagram post. “I promised myself I’d always fly that route with a parachute after a friend died on the same flight path, and it came in handy.”

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However, in early 2022 the video became the subject of controversy as many raised their suspicions about the incident, with flight instructor Robert Perry telling the Santa Barbara Independent, “it’s all very suspect.”

On April 11, the Federal Aviation Administration revealed the YouTuber’s private pilot license has been revoked.

“On November 24, 2021, you demonstrated a lack of care, judgment, and responsibility by choosing to jump out of an aircraft solely so you could record the footage of the crash,” the letter read.

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“Your egregious and intentional actions on these dates indicate that you presently lack the degree of care, judgment and responsibility required of a certificate holder.”

In a podcast episode uploaded on April 16, Jacob said: “Alright, so addressing the plane situation. I can’t talk about it, per my attorney, but the truth of that situation will come out with time, and I’ll leave that at that. So, I won’t be really talking about that very much.”

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Topic starts at 26:17

The former Olympian’s comment section is full of criticism from viewers, with one comment with over 1000 likes reading: “He seems like the type a guy that would fake a plane crash and tell a scripted survival story for views only to reappear months later and pretend it never happened!”

The comments on the original video have been turned off.