xQc meets two types of fans while playing PUBG

Being a big-time streamer like Felix ‘xQc’ Lengyel can have its drawbacks, like not being able to play online games without running into griefers, fans or stream snipers.

xQc has had trouble with stream snipers and throwers before when he played Overwatch, but it seems to have died down now that he’s moved on to variety streaming.

Still, in multiplayer games like PUBG there are plenty of opportunities for other players to stream snipe and ultimately ruin xQc’s experience, until one kind soul appeared to try and save the day.

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As xQc plays a round, another player informs him that “You’re good to play now, I killed all the snipers bro, you’re good.”

As he tries to process what just happened, another fan comes in and says “Hey Felix”, before blowing the streamer away through an open window as he turns to look.

At least xQc had someone looking out for him, the only problem was there were more people looking to take him out than lend a hand.

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xQc’s suspension from Overwatch is over, but the streamer has indicated he has no desire to go back to the game right away.