xQc claims Adept asked for “millions of dollars” to drop sexual assault investigation

xQc AdeptxQc / Adept

Felix ‘xQc’ Lengyel has claimed that the sexual assault case made against him by his ex-partner Samantha ‘Adept’ Lopez would have been dropped if he paid her a large sum of money.

xQc’s legal saga with his ex-partner Adept has continued even after the case has been reportedly closed.

She made a legal case against him regarding sexual assault allegations after the two had split up, which has been a public affair since.

Now, just days after Adept has accused xQc of paying his Twitch moderators for sex, the drama-filled saga has not finished yet, as Felix broke down the details of his legal case with Adept.

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xQc claims Adept wanted to settle sexual assault case for “millions”

While streaming on October 3, the former Overwatch pro began speaking to his viewers about the timeline of events of the investigation.

“There was an application made by the other party for a protective order against me, so they had to be protected from me because I had committed family violence.

“The claims were extremely outrageous, unfounded, untrue, didn’t happen. And, they were so far out that I didn’t even know what I was reading when it was given to me,” xQc stated.

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He later explained that the case went to a “Grand Jury,” as well as other law enforcement, such as a “Detective,” where he said he spoke to them for hours.

“There is no probable cause to continue further and it just stops right there and there is no warrants, no arrests, nothing, it just stops right there,” the streamer explained in regards to how the case ended.

xQc then went into detail about what the legal documents stated if Adept was to drop the case: “The settlements asked for a sizeable amount of millions of dollars for it to go away.”

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At the time of writing, Adept has not yet responded to the claims and she has since been banned on Twitch for an unknown reason.